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Susanne and Jerry are married!!

Jul 23, 2009

Yay!!!! My beautiful Susanne! I’ve known Susanne through the industry as long as I’ve been in business. Of course, it was a huge honor when she invited me to photograph her wedding. Susanne has a big & vibrant personality as you’ll see in a second. I was so excited to see her details & planning. Susanne surprised Jerry with a groom’s cake of Fenway Park complete with the score board being their wedding date! So fun. Take a look at the blue starfish Susanne worked really hard on. I read about many Saturdays spent painting starfish on Susanne’s Facebook profile!!! Isn’t wedding planning fun? =)

I wish I could post a clip of the beautiful message Susanne left me on my voicemail, because it totally made my day, but here is her email instead:

“I am completely overwhelmed–I pulled out at tissue : ) Jerry loved them too : ) Thank you a million times over–you captured everything and LOVE the music Luke gave you!! I am very grateful for all of your help : )LOVE YOU!!!

Cupcakes & Sugar cookie favors: Amanda Bryan at It’s My Party
Groom’s Cake: Sin Desserts
DJ: Luke’s DJ
Hair: Trish Ybarondo
Makeup: Jessica D’amore
Florist: Richard Ho, RichOriginal

A little background on this series…It was supposed to rain like crazy on Susanne’s day. So she bought wellies from JCrew and a white umbrella. When I arrived at her & Jerry’s home, it was 75 degrees without a cloud in the sky. Perfect! So we went outside and mocked the weather report briefly!

This is so SUSANNE! I love it.

Another series….I love series. Susanne & her beautiful mom having a moment after Susanne got into her dress. That’s usually a big moment right after the bride is completely dressed and she sees herself or her family sees her for the first time. I call it the “becoming the bride” moment.

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